News about the laboratory

  • Received 2024 SUSTech Presidential Early Career Award for Excellence in Research! (2 junior PI every year)--2024.09
  • “High Refractive Index Imaging Buffer for Dual-Color 3D SMLM Imaging of Thick Samples” is accepted by Analytical Chemistry! Congratulations Lulu Zhou!--2024.09
  • “Fast and universal single molecule localization using multi-dimensional point spread functions” is accepted by Optics Express! Congratulations Mengfan Li!--2024.09
  • “Facile Blinking Dyes with Spontaneous Enol-Keto Tautomerism for Super-Resolution Imaging of Subcellular Targets” is published by CCS Chemistry! Congratulations Lulu Zhou!--2024.06
  • “3D chromatin structures associated with ncRNA roX2 for hyperactivation and co-activation across the entire X chromosome” is accepted by Science Advances! Congratulations Ke Fang!--2024.06
  • “Universal inverse modelling of point spread functions for SMLM localization and microscope characterization” is accepted by Nature Methods! Congratulations Jianwei Chen!--2024.03
  • “Aberration correction for deformable mirror based remote focusing enables high-accuracy whole-cell super-resolution imaging” is accepted by Photonics Research! Congratulations Wei Shi!--2024.02
  • “Optimal Sampling Rate for 3D Single Molecule Localization” is out at Optics Express! Congratulations Huanzhi Chang&Shuang Fu!--2023.11
  • Congratulations to Wei Shi and Shuang Fu for being awarded the National Scholarship for Ph.D. Students!--2023.10
  • FD-DeepLoc paper is out at Nature Methods! Congratulations Shuang Fu&Wei Shi!--2023.02
  • Welcome our new research assistant Xinyue Li! -- 2023.02
  • Welcome our new research associate Ke Fang! -- 2022.12
  • Welcome our new research assistant Zeyu Xi! -- 2022.06.13
  • Welcome our new research assistant Jingwen Zhang!--2022.06.08
  • DMO PSF paper is out at Optics Letters! Congratulations Shuang Fu!--2022.06.08
  • globLoc paper is out at Nature Communications! Congratulations Wei Shi!--2022.06.06

  • What we do

    Seeing is believing! We firmly believe that resolution determines the depth of the research. We are interested to use super-resolution microscopy to show the wonders of the microscopic world. To achieve this, we collaborate heavily with biologists and develop a range of interdisciplinary technologies including new optics theories, advanced algorithms, smart hardware design and imaging strategies for better resolution, deeper depth, and faster speed. We embrace the open science and hope that our work will promote both the advancement of science and technology.

    Who we are

    Our group is a mix of physicist, engineer, computer scientist, biologist and chemist.